The more than 5o years old pottery workshop in the ancient part of tabriz belonged to abbas and ahmad ghabtshi, both passed away high in their eighties, the younger brother some years ago, the elder brother some months ago, originally from zonouz in north of tabriz, where the kaolin is found.

The son of abbas-agha is managing now the workshop! about 1o years ago he started to help his father and uncle by preparing the clay, which is a sweaty hard job!! and when his uncle passed away he just got retired and started to work here fulltime!
(fulltime for them means every day until noon!)

Well, we are happy the pottery workshop will not be closed! Even recently they renovated the work shop! They are not that busy like before, but better than nothing! And recently there is a young member of potter's house employed working on the potter's wheel!

So we went there this morning and brought our work pieces we've done during the last 1o days for the kiln to be ready, whenever it will be filled again... We will let you current! I like there and I hope we'll go there again untill I'm still with ipue!

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