We are thinking to go to the Mur Island. This floating island on River Mur was designed by an American artist named Vito Acconi. It was made to let Graz be a a part of European culture.

The Museum Graz. Actually, we are kind of too early - There should be a lot of people sitting outside, or walking nearby, but we can only see a few at the moment. The museum seems to be interesting, however, Angel would prefer the Mur Island this time.

Oh! We are going inside of the Mur Island!

The Museum Graz is right across the Island. If you walk through, yes, you will surely see it.

Random ice cream eaten by us - Berry-flavored, with cream and yoghurt.

The Dom, which is next to Mausoleum.

Today, perhaps it is not on weekend, there are not many people inside of the Dom now. But we find it very interesting to see, and to discover, plus we feel that it is quite cool inside. Don't know why!

In Europe, churches and cathdrals ring bells every 15 minutes. And this is where they do this - They do it at the top of the building.

Outside of Mausoleum. In 1614 Ferdinand commissioned his Italian court painter and architect to erect a mausoleum and an adjacent St. Catherine's Church next to today's Dom. It became one of the most important buildings in the early 17th century.

The Dom, next to Mausoleum.

Well, we just arrived at the Schlossbergbahn, by the gondola.

This is the the Bergbahn!

And there is actually a small museum. In this pic, it shows you the Cannon Hut. There is a brief introduction written on the sign nearby: Up until 1787, four alarm cannons, the so-called "Four-Evengelists", warned the populace of the approaching enemies and fires. In 1809, the cannons fell into the hands of the French. Today the Cannon Hut houses, two smaller Austrian and two larger cannons, cast in Paris, instead of the original ones. In the belfry of the cannon hut there is also an alarm bell. The only preserved watch tower of the fortification can be seen in the east corner of the bastion.
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