Can you believe it, there is no difference if a daughter of a groceries shop get married or the
daughter of a factory owner for instance. Poor parents, poor husbands... They are spending
millions and millions.
This wedding party was for a daughter of one of the former collegues of my host, and not a very very large one. I think, there had been about 2oo women. Very often this is twice! 3oo, 4oo... And imagine: in a 5-star-hotel!
A party up from 4 PM until 7 PM. ONLY WOMEN! We arrivd a bit late, together with the wedding couple, so ipuenktchen was able to take a pic of me and the wedding car! And when we came in, many of the women had met her scarf, because there was a man: the groom! The wedding couple made a tour to welcome their guests, 2 or 3 times dancing together and he had
to leave again to let all the ladies comfortable, and so they met their scarf again in their bags.
They were eating tons of cakes and fruits and nuts. Dancing really a lot as well as chatting together! At the end of the party the groom appeared again and it was the opportunity for people to congratulate them before leaving.
After leaving there the closer guests, near relatives, normally have diner in any restaurant, and after will have a private mixed wedding party at the home of the bride.