Sunday, January 29, 2017
The monument of the children heroes

Thursday, January 26, 2017
The Altar to the Homeland
The Altar to the Homeland, inaugurated on September 27, 1952, is the largest of the three monuments that honor the memory of the Heroes Children in Chapultepec. This great work of the sculptor Ernesto Tamariz and the architect Enrique Aragón houses the remains of the Children Heroes and General Felipe Santiago Xicoténcatl, as well as the seat of civic ceremonies and protocolary visits of foreign leaders, who often pay homage to the history of Mexico through Of floral offerings
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The forest of chapultepec
Today we visit the forest of chapultepec
In chapultepec therer's about 40 thousand trees of more than 100 different species, among them the "Ahuehuetes", "Cedros", "Fresnos" and "Truenos"
Monday, January 23, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The monument to the Mother
We visited the monument to the Mother, is a construction in honor of the Mexican mothers opened on 10 of Myo of 1949