Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reichstag Building - second part of our sightseeing tour in Berlin

Next point was at Reichstag-building.  The big house, where german Government come together for make rules for Germany.
We also visit the home of german canceler Mrs. Angela Merkel

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Brandenburger Tor - first part of our sightseeing tour in Berlin

Today we had a great sightseeing tour in Berlin. We startet in Pankow......

 We had to wait 10 minutes for the “S-Bahn“

Finally our train took us to the city

Our first stop was at Brandenburger Tor

We wanted to go inside the legendary Hotel Adlon, but the girl at the door sayed no. Maybe our dress was not good enough.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Bergmann Curry

⁠⁠⁠Today we had Currywurst and Pommes for lunch at “Bergmann Curry" in Kreuzberg, after that we went to a nice Café for having a delicious cappuccino.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

We arrived in Berlin

Yippiieeee, we arrived as well in Berlin. Now having dinner. Tomorrow we will eat Currywurst with french fries for lunch... see you soon.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow, snow, snow

We have a lot of snow at the moment!
As much as we enjoy the winter fun..

...there is also a lot of work to do!

Monday, January 11, 2016

At the Ski Jumping Worldcup

On saturday we visited the ski jumping worldcup in Willingen.
We had a look a the ski jump from bottom up... 
...and top down on the crowd, almost like the jumpers.
Here you can see the team of the mountain rescue service, which was in charge of the medical service. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Winter Wonderland

We hadn't seen a lot of snow so far this winter, so we were delighted to take a long walk in the snow at the Essigberg near Kassel.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

At the Reinhardswald

Today we ha another great walk through the virgin forest around the Sababurg.
The Sababurg claims to be the original castle of Thornrose.
The forest around it, the Reinhardswald has been untouched by human beings for hundreds of years.
It has a tale of its own: Lord Reinhard lost his land gambling and made the deal. He was allowed to sow and harvest one more time on his land.

He sowed acorns and it took more then his lifetime and the lifetime of many of his descendents until the oak grew big enough to be felled. That's how the Reinhardswald was created.